Lansing State Journal from Lansing, Michigan (2024)

1HB LANSING STATE JOURNAL AaitiRMniits Bntlnm Sirvlci Aittnttivt Basinm Sirviet EmpUymint Aitinttivi Financial Lhratlack BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES POULTRY AND SPfrlTJES RESTAURANT One of Lansing' popu- lar downtown esubllshments with a POULTRY BUILDINGS Of all sxes. beer and wine license. A $75,000 per- Order now. Call 74520. year business, good leas, apartment fXECTKlC BROODER With fan: poul-included.

See Mr. Morey. Broker. 414 tr, fountains and feeders. North Lan-Tussing Bldg.

No phone call, please. sing Hardware. 301 E. Grand River. ASHES HAULED, DIRT, ETC.

25A FILL DIRT FREE Near 3200 block Grand Kiver avenue, call 46152 after 6 d. m. black dirt lawn N. WANTED AUTOMOTIVE SELL YOUR CAR to tlbert Davl for fair and sauantdeaL Top price paid. ''-'-BV''r' rTionc 403 is TOP PRICES Paid for used cars, makes.

Ackerman Motor Stales, lgil ji TIJ1- i WAniLu tsooa Clean usea cars, wt 17 a BARBER WANTED 75 percent or guar-f'SraweraJcpntractor. Pnone 71603 1 antee. Vern North. 117 E. Waatsmiw.

Pf'- Motor sales WE- REPAIR All makes sewing ma-E, MjchHan, chine. All work guaranteed. Budd'c chick capacity. ,20. Also 20 to 30 white leghorn hens, laying good.

S1.25 r-sii atom. soLvtiYour meat problem Raise your own meat ana eggs. via turkeys cheapest in history. Chicks low as 8c. Turkey poults low as 54c.

Mixed broiler chicks $3.5 per 100. Ducklings 18c. First come, first served. Write today. Roseland Farms.

Box 10. Zee land. EX G. I to hul ashes, rubbish and 1.1 f. jni 1 pen black dirt or iiU dirt.

Phone 41173- 2(3U. CLEAN-UP TIME Call 21531, nights 44784. Lawn, gardening, window J. gardenrtUl nsuiffl. rir niar.

airs. sego. Boa. sravrL nin Tara4fn tTiainur. anviviv rinnri East Linsln TruckinK Co, Phon 93350.

neiicrra in ciiy an. uinimvun loan, liu 238 18. PAINT'G, PAPER'Q, DECOR 26 DECORATING Paperhanf inx. lntina Guaraniataii wnrkmnvhin Tall Rni Smith i-pvfTriMr ADDitrnt. i i wam washd.

walloaDer cleaned. comDlete s-aii attvviu JPAnd p.perh,n,u,g List your iiisius; auio uuuiuc wvis wiui vu his: Painter, nhone 42A79. PAIN'llNG Paperhanging. McLachlan. nr.

en St Phnne 4I11K7 Alarum ahu uuinuiiflu inie- rior. exterior spray. Craftex, finishing Tiffany blendlbg. Floor sanding. Aouei- la method of "guaranteed basem*n tor, exterior spray, craitex, finuning aiiaranveef, oasem*n SiJ.75.KJlffs-.-"," PAlNTlNGlAnd decorating.

Commercial or residential. Lee E. Hawlcln. 1S61 Bal- lara fnone 47:124. PAlNtma-lnterior and exterior.

Walii wasned. paper cleaned and removed I sive young men warning 10 icam neai-Paper Banging. Free estimates, Lynrl ing in all its phases. Orville Paulsen, Bradley. 808 Kalamazoo.

Call 55248 I 117 Smith Ave. PAPERHANGING 85c double roll, work guaranteed, rnone 52156. PAPER CLEANING Walls and wood work washed, rnone 52080. WAI.I. WASHING TIME Get vour ordei in eariy.

fainting, pa pern angina, japei clei floors waxed, rues shamnoAed A. J. Amoi J. Amoth, phone 51218. after I 8:30 p.

m. call I afLirst I A-l PAINTING And priced right Your saiiaiai-liun nir Buncos, r. c- wuwsu. 903 N. Pine.

Phone 21881. A-l DECORATING Painting. papei JLuir s. ncuuisi "nuiir MUll, CALL US For your papering and SJti, Hmf rl.i!;slsi.rin. wVTlS an rrr "in work guaranteed.

Free estimates. H. Mvers Phnne GUY C. JONES Now available for paper r.Ii.i. Phone 26483 INSIDE PAINTING By returned veterar tnt elaas mrtrlr MiuinaMa E'en.

mates tree, rnone azzzu,'C. finnv nnlnt sneiatiefe TT i. oasem*nts and factories. call your needs. Free estimates.

Phone 44941. save, mu.mi rroteci your property witn paint, or complete aecorating i service, call ratterson. 527ol. ree esti- mates. REPAIRING UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE REPAIRING Upholstering.

springs retted, etc. Remodel, recover! suites to order. 311 Hill. Phone 93939. UPHOLSTERING And furniture repair.

wuauty wore jo years experience. Rutter tk Son. 138 Allen fall UPHOLSTZRING Suites' made to Indi. vidua! order. leatherettes and nlnstle leatherettes sold by the yardT James Elwood.

531 Michigan. Phone 22712. FREDERICKSON Furniture Co. Custom built furniture of all kinds. Refinishing.

repairing, camnet making, call S3334. TAILORING PRESSING SO WE ALTER And ano women suits ana coats, leias uoia o. waaiiiiiKiun sssi. M- Employment HELP WAN TED FE1sALE 32 BEAUTY OPERATOR Wanted, with fol- lowing, t-uaranteea salary ano Kisi commission. Manage shop.

East Lansing. Phone 83539. REAtlTV nPEHATflR Wanted Ktraicht commission. Mutual tseauiy snop. can Dll I.

BEAUTY OPERATOR Experienced full or part time. Bon Ton Beauty Shop. rnone 24511. BEAUTICIAN 5 yrs. experience.

wishes employment 3 days a week. Mrs. Glenn Menter. 919 N. Chestnut.

CLEANING WOMEN By the hour. No gnuiic aui. ocsT nictili, a eurno f. 1 A. Jean's Cafeteria.

325 E. Grand River. East Lansing. STSHWASHER And kitchen help want ed Apply at Food Bar. Grand Iedge.

Phone 360. FOUNTAIN WAITRESS Experienced. interviews rjetween 3 ana 4 p. m. Cunningham Drug Store.

MUUSEMU'tH care tor 2 school-1 1 I I 1 1 1 I 1 I I I I I I i I I I I I 1 I sale. Good location and town. 60 miles I north of Grand Rapids. New fixtures I and equipment. Price 115.000 cash.

Must I be sold immediately due to iU health. Please renlv to Mr. Melvin E. Jones. 1815 Bridge Road.

Grand Rapid. MirhiE'fln. FOR SALE On function US-27 and M-48. restaurant, gas station, caoins. trailer park, garage and workshop.

Suitable for curb service. H. N. Smith. Rout Aima.

Mien. Telephone Kis-i. NEW Log house, suitable for club, tav ern or nign class eating esutousnmenx. 2 mile to CapitoL Lease or aelL Phone 28958. OAK GROVE Restaurant and filling station on US-27.

miles north of St. Johns. Living quarters, tourist cab- u9i iiuwms wen. a acres sis insh suuiis. write Mrs.

Balcom. R. 1. Ashley. Mich Phone Pompeii THIS Splendid corner consisting of 5 large lots.

10-room home in A-l condi tion with two comolete baths, two mod- 1 em kitchens, steam heated. Also service -station, doing good, business, on one of n.l?n.7 once Will sell rir frarfi tnr or small business. Call The Real Estate Man, rnBMMWW.ll or Jiia. WANTED-BUS. OPPOTltlES 38B WANT TO SELL Or trade your busi- iivmi iisv.

many casn Duyers tor gooa businesses. Is get tr. or out of any kind c.r busin-'ss call Ceo Panele Rnsines. Anaiyst. zieaitor.

iizi-zz Mollister Bldg Phone Bamhart Baker. Realtors irt747 MONEY TO LOAN LOANS 510, to. $500 For any worthy pyrpose. people's Finance Service. 32C rigs lower, rnone 4 H5b.

5Tt MORI GAGE LOANS On 60fi or in vaiue on commercial oi residential property to build, remodel ui rennnce. auio uwnera insurance s-minutiy I rmrir 1 1 .1. LOANS dSTDlAMONDS Jewelrv. snms yuisu.a, sou ciuos. etc rust Micnigan s.

luicnigan Ave. IORTGAGE MONEY Low cost, tmme- qiate action. Convenient payments. American State Bank Bldg. Phone '45424.

CONSULT Us if you need funds to nai I up your contract to secure lower in-1 erel rates, inur-ciiy iteaity Keai- iwa. wi mmu diok. rnone 34331. 1 wmu.i mux, riimis a- MUHTi 1J1ASJC let. n.

I.e. depending on amount of loan and re la- tion to property value. Minimum npntniy payment 1. Pay more if you 'vish Each paymtni reduces amount ui imcivau x-reier loans over Sl.900 attention to your Inquiry j-cnuai 1 rust co. ixi wasntenaw Phone 21691 LOANS $10 to $300.

10th floor, Prudden ouuoina. rnone 40321. Household Finance corporation. LOANS In large or small amounts. Continental Citizens Loan 107 E.

nauiiensw, rnone 414UD. H2U E. Michigan. Phone 20845. BORROW S25.

150. 1100 nr mns-e sing Loan 908 Olds Tower Bldg. nwuc .14.11. MONEY TO LOAN At bank rates. When you neeu xunas ior any emergency be sure to investigate our personal loan plan.

Michigan National Bank. Olds LOANS $25 to $250 or more on signa- wvssv llllin. fill iTaOT full Irs rtM 4 out of 5 who fnr Vn.rr oa.r",t fflll trtHaxr Porcnnnl A Hank of i-mtina rm Phnna atji WANTED TO BORROW 41 WANTED To borrow $20,000 first mort- gage, oest security. Business property valued 65 OHO Write ii si journal. Instruction sxj-is 111 weal, main nun 43 GlhLS To learn beauty culture.

Lo Sd pSffli1 couego. lOlv: -a- "rann. rnonegiaJX "ifir5 vantU to learn beauty culture eveumg classes. Aiany positions siSgle Cm carfi "up to $75 'SerTwek Mefba Academi" MeTba Academy iiTii 51517 NOW AGAIN You can learn to fly for only $50. As easy to 1 only $50.

As easy to learn to fly as to onye a car. tiugnes lying Service, capital city Airport, rnone 47416. MUSICAL. DANCING, Dram-tic 44 ACCORDIONS Guitars, hand inslm. ment free with lesson.

Also piano icsauns now avauaDie. Hager 408 N. Washington rail f-lnen HAWAIIAN Spanish, bass. Instrument xumtsnea: wuaiiiiea instructions, rsor mang.ngnsn atumospnnelj 932. PRIVATE INSTRUCTION 45 ART INSTRUCTION Individual atten.

tion. cur. water color, clay modeling. caics. sjit? micnigan.

rnone 48Q7P Livestock DOGS, CATS OTHER PETS 47 CANARIES Fnrced tn reduce my hreed iiia muck, remaies up. dinger aiu up. c. n.aianiazoo. PANARTFS Siiliny mi.

Cin0. ana matea pairs, itouers. warmers, and s-uiui ureas, aii colors. reasonaDie prices. rnrifPRC i -r I LULKLKS Excellent breeding stock.

rom leading blood lines. 411 Spring. I Call 22241. 1 corifirR sjPAiwrpi ai LOCKlLK SP ANIEL At Stud. Count oi nuniington uiacoia.

ror appointmen's phone 48092. No Sunday business. EASTER RABBITS New Zealand white. iTTcWT-riro 3 ENGLISH SETTER Registered male pup. tVii iinii, Tm' a py campion field trial stock.

This dog is black and white and should be a nice hunter this fall Phone Mr. Bagger at 57419 or 83459 evtv IllllgS. LOVE BIRDS Pair, green. 1 year old. 1.UKC i none ouyoo.

PUPPIES Boston terrier. 7 weeks old. MHlef RKdai- I Miller road. Plrinnvc ch.K.. PVPP-IE anacollie, also I RABBITS Golden co*cker Spaniel.

Tires urea o.wsio. rnone 4oaoi. risjcifr gPASiis-r p- SPANIEL Pups. Reasonable. John Peterson on State Rd.

off Park nm c- "aistered Pekingese. I Italic -aj J5, I BV9.NP co*ckERS 5 months; alsp small jSeSjTwriiyS erV. "J-WgVsTil. Ms, rtli r-s nrvtvi- g' rrr "BTnVniflinn" sflSa-lK kennels Phone 82285 pTBtTurWr. irw.vrn "I ps for sale.

Phone 28S22 I PET MONKEY Young ant aig S. Walnutowerjearapartment. ROLLERj FEMALirirANARliES32rNew x.caiano wnite rations, rest noes. Mrs. I Cheesmond.

521 W. Main. Grand Led il Phone 345 J. rutJU, SUrrLlr-S 47 A I HORSE MEAT For vonr Hu I with Dickinson's dog food is tops I luoa value, cost less to feed the best I WAYNE DOG FOOD And horse meat. LXIILCI.I11A3 I 4 I I I I I I I I 1 I '-IGAS children, go home nights.

Phone 58341 1 South Cedar. R- m- or caU Person Sunday I FIRST CLASS Car washer, unusual op-at 1110 Park avenue. portunity. Salary plus bonus. Full MICHIGAN'S GREAT CAPITAL DAILY 6 Sat, Mar.

JV, IT Classified AlltllMRMtf gAtL'TW boXts At ii a ti. i s. ii an as SSt w. ev, I w. 71.

11. 13. 4. 96, 92, 93. 100, 101.

102, W3, 113. I HI, 177. 130. 131. CARD OF THANKS IVco*ck-We wuh to express our sin cere appreciation ana iwu so our mtnr friends and neighbors for their wonderful assistance and sympathy, aiso for the beautiful flowers, during the recent loss of our beloved wife and mother.

Nell 4. Larcorg. our gran- fiule I. alwi extamded to Dr. Itcc*nt for hi comforting service.

Our rela tive! alas wuh to voice ihl aama timent. WsJ Z. tAVco*ck ANO FAMILY, FI KERAL DIRECTOR 4tl2fror truTTingst la funeral service. Lavey funeral tome, loul N. Whnglnn.

serving, ng lnco HIT. MUNLMENTB, CEMETVI LAI IB Order' entina. Lansing Monument sine ITb1 E. Michigan, Phono fogA DKLano monument works Lg- et firm In the world selling direct.

Why not buy your monument, mausoleum or marker this modern way from out ouames to factory to your cemetery lirtr Call for an Interview at no ob illation. You have everything to gam nothing to low because our monument are guaranteed to you and your heir not for life but forever. We Invite you to investigate our financial ratine. W. Fish, district manaaer, 1047 Rj Grand River.

East Lansing. Phono g71 ot Consult us. No obligation, Yunker Me- i. ma Mt Mmw A 'BeAimn'layrfiainTirySur home. Croup, pels, parties, etc.

For futures any tune, any place, rail turd arr. 1151(1 A COMPLETE Line orDiTnty Maul Produrta on sale. Dainty Maid HealUt Hr ire, 1M 5. Falrview. Dial 46131, FINB Hospitalisation plan for the en tire family.

Low cost. Call Z3.17I as M.19S. A TRIAL Will convince sou. Tor tstr food, eat at the Pagoda iU Alichlgan AF.IIOSOL BOMBS Contain D. O.

T. lour seconds spray will treat 1.000 cubic feet, use wherever lnect pests destroy, contaminate and endanger nealtJi. Self spraying valse prevents waste fl road-bent Drua Store, corner fc. Mt. Hope apa Alpha.

ALWAYS BtTYTNO Mined paper, paper poses, newspapers, magazines and is as. Barker a. a. South bL phone 91410. AMtfniCA'fJ tax service-Tn-eluding simplified business records de for any small business at news paper cost.

Keeps sou straight with the law. No bookkeeping knowledge ner- evsary. Chat, liosbein. 2MI Harding. Phone 42M.

ASTHMA Sl'FPiffttRSCT) C. MdytTTsf writes, "Became Interested in El Aaulnaldo Cuban Honey for Use in various types of illness, i find It pies-tng in many cases." If you need relief from asthma, r. Aaulnaldo Cuban Honey is worth trying. Others aay It has helped them. A delicious food Safe for edulla or children.

At your drug gist or Cuban Honey. J14-1 Kalamsrno St. BACK RPI.IEF If you are troubled wifK a bark pain, see your doctor in regaid to correcting your ailment with the proper back support. Relief immediately We Carry all styles of hack supports. Tiie Apothecaiy Shop.

1 Michigan The ater Arcade, I'hune 2l4, BETTY SIMMONS Formerly of Free-man's Beauty Salon la now at the Mar-ilvn Beauty Salon over the Sr and inc store In East Lansing. She will be glad to welcome her patrons there. Call "sin. BI'TTER Served every mesl. Comple'e dinners eve and Sundays.

Special riKn luncneons. Srnste Grill Washington. Open 24 hours BUY Yof'R VITAMINS Where you are sure to get the highest quality available. It will nay you to buy at Curtis Cut Kale Drugs, Ms) t. Kalamazoo, where prices are lower quality the nest! ClIICKEN "DINNERS Served" Sunday.

Ilalie H'eyant north of airport, phone 4KX', MllsTrA7TAssrNcRWsttedto leave for California April 1st, snare esnenses. Call Clll'TC'IIKS- Hospital tieiii for rent ne.ivcrr. AooirMHary nrtop. iz -JM'thiganllwater Ar ssle sires. Sisro llioa sifor uCi rpojie 2M or rent, we hsve ad ton, Pintie 412l t.AT MERE ONCE-You'll'eathereBl ways, flooths.

1149 S. Washington, hone of la-ty Rar-H-O's. FaI.SE 1CtTH Rrlined and tlgnTened ith our new cushion plastic material, l-ow cost lakes about 20 minutes. Come in today for consultation. Sta-Titr riaie 1 nntroi, 71a American mat tvaiik Ming Phone S2S2.

FlllJv'rll 'VANILLA Ice cream at all llsrvin dealers. If your dealer I out. nlae try again, ttf-Nl'INT. -Italian tpaghelu dinners with halU served daily at the Motor Bar, 15.2$ Larch. Cl.ASSr.S-V.perUy fitted by CTWIlaTT-berg, 20 years ethical optical serlce.

Terms. Daniel's. 2Q7 8 Washington. BARRIET FOWLER Permanent wave sneriallrt. crea'or of individual hair tiylin Ijdy fair lleauly Salon, iull S.Cedjr.

Dial 4ilfl for HKAI.TH SERVICE STVDIO-For rtrsm baths and mavsage Tussing Illdg. Phone aa. Hours a. m. to mu HERE'S A TIP-1-arlles! For easier, han-flier clothes hanging try the new Hull plastic clothes pin.

Entirely different 1 hey're economically priced to. Sold at your grocery, hardware or de- paiimcni aiorc, Animal alirlter. Sunset Lansing. Open week days, a 30 to ft. Closed evenings and Sundays.

Phone Kill Any animal, your own or stray, accented free of charge. Individual or family ginup ttasoitaT- ration. Inquire 2ua liuilisler Blag. I'lione 41474 KEfLER'S ConvalescentniosDltarn BliW Wehmgion. Rtate approved.

Post-surgi- ai, nrsn, rancereic I'nnne jUliH. MKMIIEHSIilP To Flying club open to mea and women. Call J. Roofing Co 7o! latch Phonf 2H91J das MINERAL BATHS In Ih relief of rheu matism. mus.

fiu ana diabetes, au Capitol Phone 42232. Ml'RPHYssf SON Used furniture, out o. business at E. Kalamazoo. Tnanks for iour patronage' tttr.n gas At nigIIT? Phillips 'af Ka.amaroo at Grand.

Open from 12 noon io a. m. Service calls lire repair and batteries. Ko II A OH bACON-But if It is a hew erase we hate it H. A H.

Wine 44 S. avenue. Open daily ecejit Sunday. KoTAHY se.rincoire tax aid. A.

E. Ileebe. 133 N. CapitoL I'hone. 9iis.

Hours 9 a m. to 9 p. m. PIES Homemade, the heat you ever la-ted. Old.

Cafe. 1U Olds Ale. Del Robinson, manager. CRAP RAGS. PAPEnanestnreTal our warehouse, lansm Inn and Metal.

4111 Sllo.mer. Phone J724. flllllT ALTERATIONS And replasw ment rollara. cuffs of white broadroth. Loenke Shirt Shop, iisj Wilsfm lllng ail A TlCO Toctor's prescription for neu ritis rheumatism.

Speedy relief from Joint palna. backache, lameness, tic isii rariane urugjes b. wa.nmgirsn. STATIoNKRY lor all occasions will be touna at the fig -n' Whistle fhop. Hobby Notes.

Knotheed Notes. Wits Ends, also plain note papers and stallonelles font to 91. in. tie Utl isrmp, r.

open week-daa un HI 9 Phone 11S TtiMACM Sl-nEREBsCTsegtomaeii a ii route troubled wltn ulcers nervous Indigestion, or aewl atom -h Wuirk relief Foster Pharmacy, coiner -iapie ana fine, fnone 1W7. TOP At the Trio Sandwich Shop Sai fir finest in food. 1 S. Wasnmglon. Tljf- Ijlir just any kTnTo 7oodTVou ran get the best at the Famous Grill.

hutne or tempting, usty. delirious meals. We're also La nsing't exclusive the Rough" headquarters. S3 Mlrhif anA THOUSANDS Of satisfied-customers You will be. too.

Come in. II a-Lee He- sale VITAMINS For g.sod health! Nationally known brands. Daniel Pharmacy. 1522 Michigan at Allen Call JJ212 YaHYI.ET feasT- lug ground for motlisT Twelie and half rents a year will protect It for sears, or Rerlou pays fur the damage. See Us for lterlou guaranteed tiiuthspiay.

North Side Pharmacy. Washington Crand River. VfLr AbKlDTfjR here are the tirV; than million people in Michigan alone have been helped with o-Jib-wa Indian bitters in the relief of stomach disorders Son) in economical s.aes North Kid Pharmacy, Wasnuigtoo etGrantf Rtver. IOC ALL SHOESSther harsaliia The Thnlt Shop, iio N. Wastiingtan.

Hours in m. to 4 30 m. i2TriDVDiATiaiT BIIXPOXD large sum of money, in vsrmny ot Washington and sihiasiassee. Reward. Call at 13 W.

621E8eet CALP month old. white fare, lost on t. Joseph roa4. Kewyd 74s). Cck'KER SPANIEL-Lost, Red.

male. 1 Reward oU' 'M QU Z. il UaU. black and whit, mostly black. 1 monuta old.

lost Thuiaday by es -service man. Reward. Phone 4T7J. 1441 New York, ft lltK-HAIHED" TEftRIERWemSVTwIiii; wiih black apou. answer to "Ginger.

1 1 arise No. 14.15. lost Saturday morning rhilsrs wet. Reward. 1319 N.

Genesee Dr Ptione ri9. L'iT'earPitenglll school or Climax man's Benrtis rose gold wrist watca list seethe suaa. pnono utUi. 14 Al A.N tMf. 6UKd And STftAHb la LOST In Lamina Dry Coods or KlngV nuiwsr an winowi, prosn learner zipper coin purse, CM and change, driver' iktims, social security cara.

aui counon. Reward Phone T37SA LOST End ay morning lady's blue cloth purse containing gloves. Keys, numerous personal Items, billfold containing money and driver license, steward. Please rail 551 SO 4TR A EE! rawn mare, htnd white stork ing. white strip In face, traced west to West Mt.

Hope road. Reward. Vail 717 or Mil, w. Micnigan Ave. STHAYtn Trom W.

Saainaw. small female doa. lona shaggy hair, part terrier, grayish brown. Reward. Phone amii, Aitsmstivi AIRPLANES -AfcRoNcA" For new flyina thrills.

Lowest maintenance! Heoen Aviation Capital city Airport, call iisiz AUTOMOBILES FOB BALE II BUiCK 139 Century. 4 door, radio, heat er, OPA warranty price a7s Sales. JTIrfi Mirt44rJ twoloor. 'tire s. winnicu CHEVR0LET-I3 twoioor.

radio, heat- er. aooa tires, tsest oiler iaes iu zsia MaDlewooo Ave. rOKt) 19M Fordor. "as less than OPA reiline. tlU: 13a Reo S-door.

"as OPA ceilma 1: IK Lincoln y.nlii LrfnAr etistAtn Interlnp radio. heater, "as OPA. IfiS: IK1 DeSoto 4-door. warranued. OPA.

radio, heater, MI jt lord Model A as la. Kl; 1MI Ford tudor deluxe, warrantied. OPA. IW4 Buark -door, "as 1274. Yankee Trader.

2113 trrh FVlltn 1 (ixlor with heater. I3.M wai- ranty celllna ivja pontiar a. conveni- hie mMbd imui Jill radio and heater, warranty sn.l tsr u.Hv I una Wshlnton Phone 20.l' roRD IMS tudor. heater and license. 1 FORD V-S-l17.

Re ready In I days. OPA time. Phone MHW. On M-7V FORD JtMl Tudor, super deluxe. Black fini.h.

tires. Radio and healer. OPA warranty once ll.OU. Don McCullaah's. 4 r.

Michigan. Phone 11 OX Open eve nings. IMlTludorrnesufr. OPA warranty, tl.164, fordor. radio, heater.

fl.ZJt Gibson motor Sales, 2103 cast Micniean. can aiuzi. Ft)RI IM7" ludor. radio, healer, very cood shape win uaae I or uier moaei i sr. Call HWQ.

Ht'DSON ItM 4-door touring sedan. Here one or the net transportation buys in town at the OPA "as is" price M37. Don Mccuuagn. 1121 n. Irrh across from Motor Wheel.

Phone 212U. Open evenings. HrDSOM-i. On model. 4 dour touring sedan.

Motor and tire in good rondi tion. Will sell below ceiling. SuO's Min, Phone jli HI'DSON IKM-door f. motor In good shape. OPA ceiling price as is 2.VJI 8.

Cedar. MFRCL'RY 141 4-door sedan, excellent tires, green finish. Equipped radio and hester. OPA warranty price. tl.2jd Don MrCullagh'a.

C04 Michigan. Phone 212U. Open evenings. NASH 1940 4-door radio, heater, and overdrive. A nice running ear.

Priced a OPA celling tsjg. Hank Scberer. 24U9 stichlan 61 4-door. sell or tradr lor later moneL an alter p. m.

or all day Sunday. S25 N. Havford. OlDSMOnil.E 1941 dramatic club sedan. Ueiuxe equipment.

Actual miles, excellent shape. ILSItf. private owner. Call 3117 S. Logan.

fEHRAPLANsWj! Good motor. Claud Atwrll, 2t East Front street, brand Ledge Phone 2IBM. At TO TRtCKS FOR SALE 12 DODGEtRUCKS Models 's through 1 ton heavy duty, fjrder now tor your summer and fall requirements. Bailey-Smith. 421 Capitol Ave.

Phone S7721. fit'MP TRUCK-Duolex. 4-yard, wwxl, hydraulic noay. nuuxzu tires, nyarauuc K--I. M.l.l, SSmi.

S7Vii fORD truck, short wheel base. Also nyarauuc dump ana nyarauuc coai dux rnone Fl'RNITtJRE VAN 1940 complete with all equipment and permits to op erate in state of Michigan, tun niley Phone 4330ft (all AMM 8EMT-TRAITRRS There iramm trailer for every need. All tvrjet now availablewR nil Larch Phi Khvnard Truest aie. one fftfTERNATIONAL TRUCKS Sales and service, genuine parts. l.ansmg Eauin- rent co IW4 Micnigan.

fnone 4i4Ji, WHITE TRUCKS Place rotir order now. We have safety tanks. 3th wheels and batteries lor all make trucks. Also com nlete stock of accessories. Don McCul Ugh', Unite Sales At Service.

2224 IV Micnigan. rnone 7a. RKYNARD'S Trvrk service. 700 North Larch. Headouartera lor Federal.

Dla- ronn trucks ana aemi-irauers Truck and uaiier service, call avi. tracfoT. D. 35. with oversize sleeves.

Sleeper ran with goon tires and spot iignt. none BTwr. ii arold K. cole. AI TO TRAILERS UA COVERED WAGON Rest offer takes it.

Corner Park Lake and Male ua. fnone i2u. Dt'O House trailer. K. with zvl ft.

portable attachment. Like rew. rl. Iavitt. ivortn lo miles on tvii to Alward men l' mues, LAALLE 1944 trailer.

2 ft. And lots. a mi mis i nouse. zai3 a. nanon i.

NEW MOON" HOUSE' TRAI1J.R ExieTt lent condition, sie ls7 ft. 3 miles north on Ovid Elsie road. Donald Watson. R. R.J, Telephone I79-FI-2.

TRAILER Covered mason, sleeps 4. takes It. RL 1. Corner Park Lake and Rd. UTILITY TRAILERS Large alUiteel body with flared sides, new tires, heavy duty truck springs, steady rest and car lutch.

Thee trailers are built of heavy gauge steel and will carry heavy loads. I'iK-e 913 complete. See them at Tony Schmltt Trailers. 3430 E. Michigan.

I'nnne i HOME SEEKERS Look no farthefTDrlv cmt to our lot and see the beautiful 146 continental. 27-foot mobile home. complete In every detail. All you need so move in is aisnes. tooa.

and linens. That's not all. we ran make Immediate delivery. We also have a few good used roaches In stock, stagger a Trailer Boat Sales. 2114-19 E.

Michigan Ave. I'lione 574 1 or 5534, Hnt'ii' mart rs nwrnc We have iul-t leceived a shipment of new telrigeration machine ard are cube makers to be Installed In your present i.e Ikix Hurry lut a few Arrtii Rrfrigeration 3510 Main. Phone Sill. WTVT ITrOR'TlIXArma Silver" Xfoon Mmlel 9u undent comma soon. Sell- norn ast i nsing.

2-WHEEL TRAILER-2300 Holme Itoal, FT. tional housetrauer. On gauge liamnverlesa shotgun: one gauge hammer sltotgun. 2iaat Creston. WANTED HOt RE TRAILCRS 12C TRAlLEHS ANTED-W need 50trsl." en immediately Highest prices f.r trailers in good condition.

Tony pcnmiu inner JSJO a. Micjuaaa Ave Phone 4 212 TRAILERS WANTED Our usual suppliers can lurnisn us wiin only a small traction of the demand w-e have for bouse tiaileis. We particularly want to help veteran who come to us. who are uiaentiy need of housing We will buy or give you a good trade In allowance for your present trailer roach. Phone or wire collect, or write, giving particulars and your lowest cash price.

We will call for same. Sellhorn s. lnc Eat Lansing. Phone 11103. WANTED- Used factory built trailer any make and model.

We Par high ca.n dollar. Phone us and a ouver will at your convenience. Bagger Trailei hales. 1114-1 East Michigan. Lansing TO ACCESlCTIREli.

PARTS 13 TI-FKLrZE Anti-rust methox 1 alco noi. si per gailoa. arfcer s. 3UU wssning-on ANTI-I HT-EZEXrligh test, rust proof as. gsi.

incuimn rreigni iore. a a. siich'gsn ANTI-EKfl ceiling 41 a.icn'gsn t'none swi. Httft Thermo Royal OPA 41.40 eai. In 3 aaL sealed meta ci.r.u.nef 69a.

Parker a. 3uu N. Wash ington, BAI1 'em for ail ears. Free ui-tallation. Leigh i JW7iainal JSlIJ Lsons Hl-Sored, BATTEHIES Newl.

All sues, enmnlete battery service. Autooark. 212 ft. Cao- Itol. opposite Masonic Temple.

CAR TOP CARRIERS Regular 97.30 ton 1 1 is i nraucrq to aa.v.i. r.a.y so in "la 1 1. deal for boats, etc. Hurry for yours! 1 orris Auto Part. 114-3 ft.

Kaianutzoo. 'hone 45442, FLOOR "MAT4 Universal, heavy felt liark. t2.a. Lyle broad Ism bhefl and limwifLJrfWnaJUirrj'Ljcj FORD Radiator "I93I-Prue I0. Ph ne a E2g good condition foHD Truck, heavy duty." low speetf.

rear aaie ana tues. ssooge trunt axle. Phone 2243. MlTELthS -Tail pipe" and exhaust ior au mils tanciainiad lelaht 3 SJu-Kmn firCAi'PED TIREA Wholesale and re- tail. rollowlng sires in stock: iVhil.

sous a. soxi. 7ouxl. ioxl5 and fee them today at Ray Payne. 333 N.

Washington. Phone 4aa TIRES Grade I and large stork. Cut prices! Net applng 34-hour service. Centra! Tire Ill B. Gland.

Call 22759. AUTO ACCESS, TIRES. PARTS IS TlRIStRES' We re distributors for fa- mous u. B. tires, see us for recapping, vulcanizing, repairing.

Tiro Engineering service Michigan' moat modern rerapplng-vuiranuing plant. 231 East asicniaan at asagnoiia. rnone aas73, TIMES Batteries, m'rtllers. tail pipes. Wt insiaiL.

insme Tire innis at lirinn MackuB aervica. US-la. opposite sugar tUnu TRAILER B6X-8teel ford pickup box With fenders Ideal Inr frailer. 211 W. Green lawn Phone SWaUl tRAS.SMlSJiloNSAnrTcar ends for all mue cars and trucks, we nave one In stock or can rebuild your.

For best value see us first. Kamlns. 143 E. S.ig- tn Kit a iui. Dodge can.

riymouin cars and Dodge loo rated trucks. We hare the engine assemblies tn stock, our expert mechanic will install them for you. Stop In today. alley rsmiui. ant hone 8,777 1 nc- 2l S.

CapitoL OSBAN'dAUTO PARTS for new. used. rebuilt parts for all car and trucks. iri- iHiunfl a-an aTfiin WlLLARD BATTERIES 5uTT" DrodurtK. uionroiivr, riecincai rrvic.

vausnan tmur ry. txw urand Kiver. call ikm anu iwt-tnex roiet rrar running boards: other fenders for rnoit miRH. till VLB. HV1V Hllflflls ALTO RAbftARTS mo tokcjla CAR RADIOS For all pop ular makes.

Immediate delivery. Home venier ai n. Washington, mono aggao. CAR RADIO And aerial. Hi.

Call S34SI MOTORCYCLE BICYCLES IS WCYCLES tricycle, baskets, speedom etera. tires, parts, repairs, van Bike anon. 3U3 rihlawaaaer can S1BK3 tTlCYC'LES Used. Guaranteed. Complete repairs, ran.

ve retire wneeis lor cabs, wagons, tricycles, etc. Basel's. 1415 ruirnnKiver.J'hone 23026. BICYCLES Tricycles, wheel eooda. Com plete renair service.

Inter-City Bicycle snop. i mien igan. cau zauia. BICYCLE Prewar. Hawthorne.

New tires. 20. rnone 82068. B)TOft BIKE Factory built. twT flan, inquire Omar Everett.

Bradley a corners, ta-yt nortn. MOTOR BIKE In good condition, with gooq tires, fnone 23Joa. MOTORCYCLE 1943 Indian in good shape. 123 Deerfield phone 463711. MOTORCYCLE 1040 Bonnieville Indian Chief.

Full equipment- Very good con- dition. Bob Reed, 818 Cypress. MOTOR SCOOTER 1 1 a p. Briars and Stratton motor. Call S26SS, or can be seen at 1707 Maplewood.

1940 I1ARI.EY 74. Good condition. Trailer 15. Dixon Trailer City. REPAIRING SERV.

STATIONS 16 A PTO ftfcP AIRTNG A lso trucks, prompt service on au makes, rre estimates. Peez Oil 614 E. Michigan. ACTO AND TRUCK Repairing, all makes, by experienced mechanics. Don Aict-uiiagn-s.

wmte sales at service ZZ2 G. Michigan. Phono 4744a. AUTO REPAIRING Tune-uns. area in.

wanning, waxing. Last Lansing Motor mm 1 1 s.i r. i.rann Kiver. Kast lamina AUTO REPAIRING Guaranteed work. vj iicx service, slowest price, uman, i7 uetroiiBt.

can 59749. At'TO PAINTING Factory-finish lobs rour car like new. rices right! freuas nooy snop, ozi ttiver. fnone Z32I7. BRAKE RELlNE 'SPEClAIFords.

Chev. roicts, fiymoutns. most others IHsi. Terms. Firestone Stores.

Kala mazoo at Grand. Phone 44451. BUMPING AND PAINTING Quick serv ice, no oeiay. tteasonaoie prices, see us tomorrow ior an e-timate. a.

w. tianay, i inc. 1 10 Washington Phone 20BM LUBRICATION Get your car lubricated and the oil changed regularly by experts using only the highest grade lubricants and oil Prompt service. Wolverine Chevrolet Caoilol at Kala- mazoo. fnone 31 ba.

MOTOR REBUILDING Complete aU car repair. Auto electric carburet Ion a. m. to 9 p. m.

every day. East Side Auto service, 308 s. ciippert. Phone 43030. MOTOR TUNE-UPS Auto supplies, washing, brake service, battery service.

A I leva's Super-Service, opposite Spar row nosDltal. fhone KJ879. RADIATORS REPAIRED Pickun and de. liver. Lansing Radiator Kepair.

Allegan ,1 -O .,.1,1. 1,7 1 RADIATORS RepairedTieaned. welding, new cores. Gleaton's. Pontiac Bldg.

21S e. vvisntenaw. rnone a.vii STEAM CLEANING Motors, chassis. parts or other equipment, steo bales. 1425 5.

Washington. ATTENTION! Plymouth and owners! Have your car serviced at an authorized service station. It will positively save you time and money. Our factory-trained mechanics will give you guaranteed satisfaction. Rus Dingman.

uesoto-f lymoutn ueaier. 13 n. waao- ington. bona 4S49L BANG IT UP? Let us fix it We call for and deliver. Valley Farms Bump at Paint Shod.

E. Brlag Rd. Phono 41521, evenings 45924. COMPLETE Automotive repair. Over haul our spec -ally.

Fhone 4273L Valley Farms Garage. COMPLETE SPRING SERVICE For all cars and trucks, by factory-trauied ex pens. Kramer wni Kalamazoo. MAC'S GARAGE 1035 E. Saginaw.

Com plete motor tuneups by experts. Open a a. m. to 10 p. m.

Call 40149. NASH TEXACO SERVICE Stoddard at orano Kiver. East Lansing. Gasoline, oil. tires, anti-free ie, lubrication, light re- nalring fnone B131Z.

SAFETY SERVICE CLINIC NOW open for business at new location 2421 a s. a (iw eei i ign ment. fnone5U3i2fc WANTED ALTOMOTIVE 17 AOTOMOBILES Wanted al once, most any mooei or traae vour ear or equity to North Side Motor Sales, 1323 n. c.rana Kiver. lust south of suga Plant.

Phone 4U872. AUTOMOBILES Wanted, best cas prices for your car or equity, all makes and models. McKlnsev Motor Sales. 231ft r- fnone 217. AUTOMOBILES ANTED a will buy any ana an makes of cars.

Bring in your tine or can sosmi ana we wiu come out and look at your car. Russ logman. Lansing Auto Sales. 413-413 N. Washington Ave.

After 4 m. call 51119. CARS NEEDED For veteran. Too price ior ish to iissz mooeis. can vti iz.

CHEVHOLET-Or Ford. 1937 to 194T, clean, in good condition, private owner. v-none sunniv FOHD Or Chevrolet truck, hvdraullc dunip fur gravel. Good condition. Phone FORD 193 V-t tudor in good condi- tton.

Private owner. Cash. Phone FORD Chevrolet or Plymouth l3S to iisii, coarn or sedan. Must be clean. From private party.

Tup cash price fnone 45131. JUNK CARS Outboard motor and gun auio fans. Mym a. cedar. Csi.D CAHSVVANTED Price no ohiect on some models, rsonn side Motor bales.

1325 N. Grand River, south ed sugar Plane cau 49B72, iseu cars wanted Several of our customers who have returned from service are In need of transportation. If Sou nave a car to sen. see us at once. legal price paid for your car.

ro oriari casni a. w. nanoy, inc. 1 S. Wasnlnglon Ave.

Pbono 2085 USED CARS WANTED Now the time to sell. Cset the full ceUing! Now the time to turn In your car on a new Chrysler or Plymouth. Get today's top allowance- ror a better deal better see Don Mccullagh'. 1103 E. Michigan.

USED CARS' Wanted. We need all models See us before you selL Cash fnone ZIRZ5, waiting. Latimer and Neal Motor Sales. laui s. cedar, fnone 22220, USED CARS WANTED We need all moflels 9m.11 to ua senile n.

atill high. No red tape, no waiting. We also trade and pay cash difference. Doa McCullagh. 1621 N.

Larch cross trom aiotor wiseea, upen ovo- nmgs. rnone zizza. USED CARS WANTED! Even that old junker is worm somethmg and now Is the time to get rid of it. We'll pay you cash. See us today! England-Cook sis a- azicnigan Ave.

Can use 25 good ones at once. See Al Hansen. Inc- 130 JMichlan, Phone 11125. BETTER PRICE Paid for car from irua 10 mxi. Buyer will call riant away, rnotif seisin or iiaa 0, ceaar, AA-I TOP PRICE for your used car.

Any make, any mooel. see the good old reliable Capitol City Pontiaa Co 133 Grand ABSOLUTELY More rash tor junk cars. trurxs tractors at capitoi city Auto rim. sm ei. Larcn.

none avsia. ATTENTION If you want to sell your car oe sure to see us. wepay more. Epler-McCarrKk, 1023 a. Washington.

Phone S4912. CASH FOR CAR" OR CARS In -good Condition or that are rrnairable. Northslde Motor Sale. 1323 N. Grand River south of siia.r ntanl Pall aa79 SELL Your car to anyone until you re ua! Trevellyan Old-mobile VfrCU.VTCX.KdArIlJ.AC fieally need 25 good used cars and will nay mast mum.

celling prices fog Sfil lnsl0S ronditlon. Phone aWst 100 E. Michigan Ave. at Foster MONEY TALKS Well buy any car" that i uu s. km tar saw.

ZJoa Micniean Dl 1. I wants all makes nd4n3dei cars. Full value paid, i'hune ALL' BUSINESS SERVICE OFFERED 18 BRIGGS-STRATTON Motor service. complete stoca: ox pans, expert, me chanical service. Lorens auiiu.

1 tTS A VP erane availahle for zoo at River. 1 basem*nt digging ana excavating 01 an kinds, also till airt. fnone esoyj. Music House. 318 8.

Washington. building, contracting 19 ADDITIONS Built-in cupboard, all year storm windows, aucnigan noma tuua nil Dtum. arvin i 1 -11 lathing and plastering. Kitchen cuo- hoards. PalTrT faraon.

28350. Terma ATTlCS-VinUhed into spare rooms. In. ciease your tncoi ear to pay Cal tooflng Engineers. 22578.

BLOCK LAYING Plastering, chimney and brick laying. Waste paper boxes and garbage can container a specialty. Phone IcAlltEIvTER WORK-Kew home. dd(- lions nimAfls tns. eenerai renaira.

Kiicn en cupboards. General painting. Free estimates, fnone S32D3. STanx woucnois. CEMENT WORK Garage and basem*nt floors, driveways.

sidewalks, etc. Satis- c. S. McQueen, 50410, KITCHEN CUPBOARDS Also custom cabinet work cnuaren'l turniture. asu- lercralt.

521 Dexter 4wwi. MASON CONTRACTING Chimneys, onvewars. oasem*nis. etc. or esu.

mates call 40292. PLASTERING If quality materials and workmanship are wanted call Ryder pros, fnone aajjo mv. PT. ASrTXWrsjrt KTese asufl eetsalr. Phone 23017 23744.

SUNPORCH ENCLOSURES- Glassed in fo. interrhaneeable with Conner Screens for summer. We furnish the materials. Installed by experienced carpenter. 38 months to pay.

For details pnone ojj or wata evenings, or visit our dismay room, sonaea nooiing 1-0 1105 S. Washington. ACT NOW! Kepair or replace your 01a root loaay. avoio spring rusn ana nign. i O'Brian Home service Engineer.

GENERAL CONTRACTING New homes. nmts. fnone tianan u. uua- SST TJSiZF ANfi. DTE'G.

A RENTfi 20 j. a- UKY AIlIl jVyeiTlK. DrOTTlDL KIV' ouaiity work Hats cleaned and blocked. Personal service, iih w. urana, DRESSMAKING A MnXINEBT 21 ALTERATIONS And mending.

Also men shirt aiterationa frompt service. 10B Cltllord. Phone 403BX DRESSMAKING Plain sewing, minor al- terations. fnone syza. EXTERMINAT'G.

FUMIGATG tlA uiv rs-ji i i Guaranteed complete clean up. Oldest operators tn miawestem Micnigan, unkv ed Exterminators, fnone awn ANTS Bedbug, fleas, roaches, rata and mice. Kesuits auaranteea. oate. reliable operators.

City and state references. H. P. Sinclair. 522 Beech.

CaU 28022, BEES Rats. mice, bedbugs, roaches. motn ana tneir eaas aestroyea witn cyanide gas. Written guarantee. Reasonable prices.

Free estimates. A member of the National Pes Control me E. J. vancore. 1433 k.

micnigan Ave fnone 244. evenings smyaj. ffrrM-rurrssmfsRVWiv Moth -i-i- rvn-nti ire nl. vrEfry A- BRmETTtrcoTE-termi- nators. fumlaators.

motn Droolers, xne founder of extermination In Lansing All work guaranteed, call lor estimates Phone 28532. 321 rs. walnut. HEAT, PLUMBING, ROOFING tt CESSPOOLS. SEPTIC TANKS Basem*nt drain lines cleaned witnout digging up your lawn.

Anywnere, anytime, including Sundays. All trucks have vacuum pumps and sealed tank to do you a fast clean Job. 17 years experience guarantees you the best lob possible. Free inspection and estimates. Phone 20282 or write buo w.

snenaan ho. sanitary service company. ROOFS Repaired, resurfaced or re- placed. Prompt, courteous service. In- sured workmen, fhone 46206.

SEWERS "DE" ROOTED Electrically fatentea expanding cutter assure a Kazor-Kieen 300. 2-year service guar- antee. Call 280! 8. Hoto-Hooter service. sewers cleaned Renaired.

new i.v. cll "Caring 4157. SEWER SERVICE Our electrically oper- atea "sewer Master" cleans your stop- peq or siuggisn sewer, fnone zpziy, SEWERS Cleaned electrically of roots other obstruction. Avoid digging expense by this method. Job guaranteed Call 91314.

93925. S. Logan Hardware. SEWERS Cleaned, repaired; septic tanks repaired; outside trap; sink waste; basem*nts drained. Hv electricity, ttiaran- teed.

Licensed. Call Walrak. 58571. LAUNDERING 24 DIAPER SERVICE Diapers furnished ana serviced ti per monia. can central Laundry.

48425. 406-8 w. Grand, SHOP CLOTHES Coveralls, pants. shirts, painters overall, arop ciotns. mops, etc.

4a-nour service, iansing ivag Laundry. 925 E. Hazel at ennsyivania TfeDCK'G. STORAGE 25 CALL 41934-For general trucking of all kinds. Also rubbish hauled.

Quick serv- ice. M. cranam. Pick tin and deliv. ul service.

Low pnees. Call L. nJIWrrURE-Storag. and moving. Local and long distance.

Crating, packing. shipping. Reliable service. Estimates free. Clean, modem, fireproof warehouse.

Lansing Storage Co. "We Know how. 440 N. Washington, rnone 22672 MOVING Storage, crating. large vans tor long oistance.

Av. storage 112 North Larch SL Phono 27613. Eve nings 55718. LOCAL CARTAGE Contract delivery SS XV Vtuil.r C.H. p.

saaiC su -Jgg 29jPE- "'ver' SPEE DEE Delivery. Phone 44416. Com. dU" MOVING Local and long distance. Latest equipped vans, insured, r.xperiencea LOCAL TRUCKING Moving, drive-' way gravel.

Courteous service. Prices right. Ralph Wllkins. Phone 57681 i 1 siuvuiu txicai. ion aisuuicc moaern equipment.

Experienced men. Swan's sr. tu Ss ntfTr-icTsjri siao wood ana manure, call Ernest uarcia. aejzz. DIAL 444711 For moving.

Local and na tionwide: long oistance. urniture storage, packing, crating, shipping. Free es timates, urge clean vans. tteuaDie men fireproof btorag 430 N. Larch.

ft DRAV LINE Furniture, ltsht de. livery service, asnes ana ruDDisn. uet our prices. Phone 59894. ASHES HAULED.

DIRT. ETC. 25A ASHES Rubbish and general hauling. cimo vsiiuams. nuy ruiaskL rnone Z634J.

sjuick. courteous service. ASHES And rubbish hauled or light naming, rnone szibj. ASHFfi Ruhhisli hanlTT Special nrices on lai on large Jobs. General trucking.

Phone jvjo. ASHES at RUBBISH Hauled by ex-serv- iceman, partner, rnone 2jsja, ASHES Rubbish haul. lied. Special prices on large loos, rnone 43731. O.

D. To SIS SI SaSvlw fill dirt. Sand and sraveL C. Schimber. tracking of all kinds.

Lmw IVi ton Biaxe trucK, ynone owoi. 4n.rM TVa.ll Mta rs.aas- C3V.esav. 41fUst ASHES Rubbish hauled. Get my price. Phone 52831.

ASHES AND RUBBISH Hauled by your oepenoaoic cx-service man, rnone 213.12. ASHES HAULED Reasonable. Call 2153. ASHES AND RUBBISH Hauled by ex- rrrsitv man. rromnt suiicient service Fhone Hai25 ASHEST" RUBftlSH Hanleil.

hlscb nlrt gravel, road or concrete: general truck ing. Reasonable prices. Peter Orler or sons, oou rsorman. rnone 22428. ASHES Rubbish and black dm hauled.

Phone 5-1716. Nick and Bob. 539 West Holmes road. ASHES AND RUBBISH Hauled. Phone BLACK DIRT Fill dirt.

sand, gravel. ahe and rubbish hauled, by ex-service man, rnone Zlglj. BLACK DIRT Fill dirt, road gravel. riuins anjo or J14I1, BLACK DIRT Immediate delivery. road gravel, cinders, cement gravel, fill dirt, manure and cement.

C. At R. Trucking Service. 114 N. Grace St rnone 4i3Zt.

7 a. m. to 10 p. m. BLACK DIRT And cinders, manure, fill suit.

Mwn areola, soaaing. rnone 48739. C. Kueh er. 823 rnmfnrt BLACK DIRT Gravel, road or concrete: sana.

1111 ain. cement, rrompt service. Phone Holt. Dial O. 72442, no toll, or Lansing 13017.

Delhi Gravel rn BLACK DIRT Fill dirt, sand, gravel, ma- nure. ruDoisn, asnes nauied, general trucking. Orlando, nhone 7740 BLACK DIRT Fill dirt, fresh and rotted manure, cinders. rnone 43634. An Shooltx.

BLACK DIRT Sandy loam, ashes and run nun uuiea, rnone uhi, gig west Alain. i A HELP WANTED MALE I A-l CARPENTERS Painters, wall wash. era, laborers. Steady work. A.

J. An- oth. 429 E. Michigan. 1 Hofbrau Tavern.

222 N. Washington or can H1Z5Q oetween 3 ana r.pprMm k. 1 Mxut be ood' I rmirE a k. 1 w. swu iwuii, i ivj" I Kcwpf Hotel.

115 W. sniawasec. DISHWASHER No phone calls. Hotel I DAwanraal rlinlntf I jjki tLLArttn aLxperiencea. TO OP- 9r cieaninB room.

AddIv Mr. El- lie ate. I ELECTRICIAN with broad excellence wmta. I FARM HAND Sinffle man hv month nn I milking. Sundays off.

Harley E. Dros- I i r'i I du iDAoro n- man by month. Board, room ana good I wages to the right man. W. H.

Olin. I wages to the rli st. Johns 36-F4. I Dx- cat gem FABM SALESMAN Excellent oooortu nitv for the right man. Must have full inTh'rigJfHvnctmReaHSPColn VKf th.e;dvca.nce Realty 10a E.

1 FURNACE INSTALLER Also 2 aggres- llAisux-MAXs ror nignt wora in srnau cafeteria. Apnly Saturday morning. 2311 w. Micnigan. HOUSEMAN Reliable middle aged man.

colored. Hotel uids. Apply airs. Armour. nousekeeper, jaw nor, Kient wnrk.

44 hours per week. Apply Mr. Wilber. 906 Prudden Rldff. LOT BOY Inquire at 1105 E.

Michigan. uon Mnjliliagn. aee ivir. cuerprocK. r.iT: work, year around job.

One interested making good money, rnone 39714, Ai.aninoc 1IK91I MFfTANIiT- Wanted Ford. 535? propo-sitlon to right man. Moynahan 'org crang iuge. PHARMACIST Past 55 years age.

per. manent. small town souinwestern Michigan. Box123 State Journal. Ktuib tKtu rn AHMACIST wanted fuiI or Part time.

Modern prescription tions. Rouser Drug 123 S. Wash' ington. ojsiwmrjs: we several openings lur cxpeneisceu aaieiimsui anu can- vassers of roofing, siding, insulation or storm windows. Our materials are strictly franchised and the finest in their line.

We have Baldwin-Hill black wool insulation; -genuine Inselbric siding: Barrett's famous Everlox shingles: and Rusco all-metal combination storm windows. We are willing to train good men and guarantee a good year-round income. Call in person at 1606 S. Logan. SHOE.

REPAIRMAN Or shoe finisher. Apply 105 E. Michigan. SHOE SHINE BOY Colored, steady job. Apply in person.

Ed. McCoilum Shoe Kepair, 4ui k. urana Kiver. TRUCK DRIVER And. warehouse man.

Must oe sooer and rename, call in per son at 1606 South Logan between 9:30 and 11:30 a. ni. only, WOODWORKING SHOP 2 middle aged men needed, i-lght work. 3407 W. Alt.

Hope. WOOL PRESSER Experienced wanted. ull or part time. Mo phone calls, state Dry Cleaners. o29 E.

Michigan. ALL AROUND Truck mechanic. Phone 57172 ATTENTION Ex-service men. If you are looking for a good lob. here is one that fiou can't afford to pass up.

There are a arge number of vacancies in the army recruiting service in your home state of Michigan with pay of tne grade neio a 1 mic 11II1V UK uuviisiks plus 01UJ month, personal benefits, family allow ance. no withholding tax. no income tax. Come to 122' North Washington avenue. Lansing.

Michigan, anytime be- COLORED1 JANITOR For cleaning tween 8:30 and 4. Monday April 1 store. Baker Shoe Store, 106 5. wash' 5 DESIRE Capable man to operate 142- acre farm on shares. Location in Clinton county.

1 mile north. mile east of Pewamo on south side of road. Write for information or call on Saturday. Good references must be provided. J.

A. neming. rewamo. Mien. EXPERIENCED Grill and sandwich man, onnrl snlarv meals a Have a An ply in person, sanie Kitcnen.

Z322 eauinment. Do not phone. Call in ner- son. Standard Oil Station. Center at Saginaw.

HEAD DISH MAN 6 days a week, good nours, good pay. Sundays off. ror full details see Mrs. Clark at Hotel Olds. HUSKY MAN Wanted to learn and do wood Pending on steam Dresses Rrand Ledge Chair Grand Ledge.

MAN Needed for janitor service. Apply in person, Ingham Sanatorium, 2601 S. wasningron. Imam WAVi-rn vnr around work. $40 per week.

No deductions. Must be strong, healthy, non-smoker and non-alcoholic. State age. height, weight, education, marriage status, give phone number and photo, if possible. Write Box 141 State Journal.

SJfASJ c.l son farm fi miles east 1 mile smith nl Eaton Rapids or call 2361. Eaton Rapids. mpm Days and nights. Good wages. Rosevale racKing company.

Ue Witt. Mich. MEN I2i For established Watkihs routes in Lansing. Good pay if willing to work. No layoffs.

Also 2 men for East Lan- sing. Apply 2100 E. Michigan, i ui iin uidri ouiQuor wors wiin an excellent opportunity for the future. Phone 24767. SWAP LABOR-Licensed sewerman or septic tank work, for carpenter work.

3505 West Michigan. WANTED At once 25 men for common Inhnr wnrlr Ctartintf 1 Apply ready for work. The Michigan Fertilizer Highmount St. WANTED 2 good roofersTone vi WANTED 2 good roofers, one young man willing to work and learn. Phone 20479 aner p.

m. ijvi Mllr'licn itriua'rzT Ht-LF. WALE AND FEMALE 34 DISHWASHER Man or woman, fast dependable, sober, day Job. Apply in person, see cnef, 213 s. urand.

uismwasmek wanted at Archie's Gnu Appiy izj e. Michigan. WAITRESS Or counter man desiring permanent employment. Apply in per son, irio sanawicn miods no. or BOY OR GIRL Over 17 to work on foun, tain.

Apply Matthews. 1226 E. Michi- gan MICHIGAN STATE COLLEGE Men and women wanted for forestry nursery work. Call college ext. 367.

NEAT APPEARING Young man or woman at least 21 years old. to make survey. No selling, good commissions. Please apply in person, Howard Coal JWOS ana supply IU3 sniawassee. ONE And one woman for sales clerks.

Experience preferred. Apply awsaies, Jiurwasnington. SITUIONS WANTED: FEMALE 36 OFFICE CLEANING Phone 47781. CARE For children In licensed home. can 3540a for mterview.

FORMER TEACHER With 2'i years ex. Lucille All UllllTSI WSII IS WUU1U 11SS 111' teresting office position. Call Miss vnres. RETIRED TEACHER Previous experi- ence as assistant dietician. Would be cook.

Post Building. Battle Creek. Mich. or nursing hour. Phone 52526.

YOUNG LADY Would like "job. pre- leramy in east Lansing. Excellent refer. ences, experienced in comptometer. lyDinar.

receptionist general office. lea se cal 1 50656. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE 37 CONTROLLER Auditor or office man. ager. 20 years of wide and varied in, dustrial experience on systems, budgets.

unam-iai statements, taxes ana otner heavy executive accounting. Desires po sition wnn progressive company in central or northern Michigan. Write Box 17 State Journal. nave VOUT write Knv Ktate rCTSITlON WANTED Navy officer. 29 married, promoted from first class to lieutenant in 4 years.

Intensive training Msirswnei as executive secretary. "ins pus otate journal. VETERAN College grad with A yrs srmv Personnel work wants lob with future. Box 13. State journal Financial BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 38 ELECTRIC WIRmc Bottled as.

water 1 St systems, repair work and fixture. East Side Electric. 1315 E. Michigan, GARAGE And business. 34fe miles north- east of Deerhead Inn.

Garase and home lent location. Make me an offer. By nam 1 nfkll fiWI fmntasfai nn AM i gasari-sail. owner. UKUCtKx Ana gas siauon in one or oest residential sections of Owner leavine city, must sell building with extra lot.

Living quarters above store. uoing excellent ousiness. v-ooa stock ox groceries ana meats, gooa jixtures. Priced for quick sale. Dean Realty.

30x50. wil" u'if driven together with a 5-room home completely furnished all for only laiu. L.eo a. ranea. ssarruiart ex Baker.

Kcaltors. Phone 30747. A 2 wraoSTo buy "om WANTED By private party cheap car isus. isua. isue, isui or isuo.

rap rhevmlet sstefeese.1 Slat Healeea Ptiima 26283 WANl'ED Used automobiles. We pay WavhtngtojhonSSji, iiiaueas rssn pom iw au hlzhest cash prices for all models. Lcsl mii-i. rnt uasn ior cars in aouu cunui V.01! Northslde n1.uVi?San,t3:r'aif oXs3rpiantCftU4872, M. WILL PAY CASH For 1939-41 model arxnodeal.ers.JhOTeiM34 WILL PAY CASH For used car from irivatejarty.

fnone ztrag. Basinm Sirviet DtioLvasa Dcnrita vrrbaLu soi ATDIKO MACHINES And typewriter of all makes repaired. Franklin Do of all makes repaired. Franklin De- VUI-. eA si a si riwA a Klelne 313 N.

Grand Ave. ADVERTISING SERVICE Your time's awaiting If you don't advertise, call MXKSJ. APPLIANCE sERVice Electric ranges. refrigerator, washei machines, smail api radio, sewing inces. Rulism I supply.

20 o. Iran none aaa. arruANti SEHVitx un au nousenoia eisnnrsi irems. i nim.iaur Tears- ra. I VS faction.

Barker-Fowler ElecUM CO 118 E. Ottawa SL APPUANCE SERVICE Electric burners and switches for all makea. Re frigerator motor service. New belts. Biuelnw Electric Service Phone StiMa.

TliTounDil'p a srrk CI lOVlTTtb L- II noisicrmg. cieanea on premises, germ niuuivrauicu. ssusss luarsiiimi Parrs Cieanine Service, nhnne BAM.ur.fli uuAina hewers, sinks cleaned with electric cutting machines. K.iTiafs inr hiH in Sunri.ivB.

Sanitarw iii pn Phnn BMElfT-WAiOTOOFtNG Our interior tmicesi is suaranttwd. Th in ftidiiiirnaiiice L.UI d. lnuna- RfiaU. BULLUOiiiAtviciory garaen piowin. U.4...M..

aMrsuuiMe; drag a nr. aiscmg. loaning, mums, 1111 air1 fertlllrer. E. L.

Mstteson. Call 219IS7, CARPENTER WORK New. remodeling. repairing. Kitcnen cupooaras.

t-au alter p. in. fnone mat, red Loepke, CARPETS AND FURNITURE Cleaned swnel as.Allisvseu.s'asil lis a-etai- liawewtaa, aTa.war Way Mothproofing and Rug Cleaning i fnone CARPETS Furniture cleaned in youi oooie. rncirs iuwi sroiy, vv. CLOCK AND WATCH Repairing by pert workmen, to 3 day service on clocks.

Also all kinds of Jewelry repairing. Quick service. Reasonable prices. Shaw's Jewelry. 110 N.

Wa tnston. CUSTOM BUreHERlNG All kinds live- stock, cuuing. wrapping, complete service for locker owners. Coolidge At Mc- uuire. n.

1. zast Lansing, fnone ewuj DRIVEWAYS Sidewalks and block laying. Work guaranteed. Phone S1122. A.

lirrning. EA VSTROUGHTNG Call lis for esti- ss. EAVESTROUGHING Furnace repairing sneet metal work cau 55501. w. ELECtRICT MOTOR And vacuum clean-1 er service.

Repairs and parts. Diamond Liecrric. a. uranq. fnone 4444.

ELECTRIC RANGE And refrigeration lutri ma ncivmsiui, isuikc sVlsTldair. totuornt W'estin ehouse General Electric and Crosier. Garlock Sales. 432 N. Grand FLOOR SANDING And finishing the Bruce- way.

wuauty work, re nmates. can wotting 44m; FLOOR SANDING And finishing, new and old nrnfit hv Pasehe. free esti- rrates. 1 years' experience. M.

Pasche flu Ml vnvnr -(we, FLOOR SANDING Re finishing Qualitv can Heiiaoie rioor Sanders. gz4. FLOOR SANDING Finishing. Satisiac- ion guarameea. reasonaoie rates, ran a i.

L-rr-i i.arraee. r-none xu i.nanes. i mun. annuino nna iimsning. new mntt oiiS 1 Mir, the imnnivMi u.

Inns. 1 er lastlna All work euaranteed. Call jonn w. 4.M. FURNACES Expertly repaired, all makes, call 25923 or 48932.

Marshall rurnace. 320 north Capitol. fURNACES REPAIRED Parts for all maxes. sneet metal worx. Herman as.

weuiier. 1131 wace St. fnone 433. GARDEN PLOWING And grading. Phone 57230.

GRADING Plowing and discing. Mr. IJ 1 on Dl GRADING Discing and plowing. Other tractor work. 113j uakin.

Phone 44278. KEYS MADE While you watt. Lock pairing, riacx 9 rvey anon. 111 s. Graoc Ave Phone 43421.

We go anywhere. iv.Mh.r.SfrtsS2..!25 Iti- P' rTi r-1 r-f 7 1 I LA NMOW ERS sharpened. MIRKOHfv New old mirrors resilvereo I OFFICE AND HOUSE CLEANING wans, woodwork washed; paper cleaned. guaranteed work. Phone 41729.

PIANO TUNING By expert Call a iouq. 4 1 on 1 iui perry av PLOWING Grading, any kind ot team surs rnone ziua. 1 1 tseeoe. HAD16 SERVICE We guarantee oui worn. rnone envoi tor pickup service Cedarway Radio Shop.

3142 S. Cedar. V. SSTCVICS; OU Bill iiiaiscs. ii sins auaranteea.

iudcs ior I sale. Bahl's Radio Service. 732 N. Cedar. Phnne sMil RADIOEPAlRlNC-Ab types includinn yuinuina'ions.

a UlCJC service, guaran- I teed satisfaction. Pick up. delivery I a i in rnone aois. ia4g ztigr I RADIO SERVICE Auto or home radios 4401 N. Grand.

I "s- shwmi sjij s-sus sMu. i namrfe sniranin ss flll cient service see or call ua. w. WIU ST1I1 we service all make, parts, tube etc. Our reputation is your guarantee ot satisfaction.

Jury-Rowe Repair Department at our warehouse, lust off E. Michigan in oiocK. rnone ziaai. RADIO And annliance galea and aerv. tee.

ciectric motor wmding. Refrlgera- iion. cuectric range ana wagner repair. Ward Electric 424 E. Michigan Phone 41241.

RADIO REPAIR Auto radios and record cnangers a spcciaiu'. call Bruce a 44774 corner ras-anaiiffh and CH sr REFRIGERATION Repair service, all 1 1 1 commercial ana aomesiic. LI1 Van Beek. 262.r 7. 811 Cleveland REFRIGERATION AND" WASHER Re- pair service on au makea and Darts, do mestic and commercial, Lansing Washer! at Appliance service.

327 River. Phone I 50S93. I SEPTIC TANKS Cleaned. McGregor and iigcneiaar. septic tank service.

Park Lake and State Rd fall Rttn 1 SEAING7MACH1NEEPAIR We repan ii roaaes 01 sewing maenmes. genuine Vr.r.iltr?1 I ng Center. 308 South Washington nhone 26523. STEAM And hot paired. Also new installations.

If you need a piumber call fa*ggion's Plumbing sV Hcatir.g. 21101. 1420 E. Michigan. fBE" SERVICE Prunini Miaf ana xrun xrcwa.

naiocii atritl nf ars traw PVuinss atOdTI VACVTJM CLEANERS Repaired. VACMttoANERSRepaTresifieb r.arts. for all makes. Free estimates. Hack's Home Appliance.

222 S. Grand, pnone auys, WALL WASHING Guaranteed satisfac- tory storx. Carl rulcifer. Call 405j0, WASHERS All makes serviced leeu.i unmoni Appliance service. zi n.

maoison. rnone 44i anytime. WASHER REPAIR SFRVlfF wo. nas reopenso its wasner repair ano pans oepartmenu aasy wasner ana an make expertly serviced. Genuine factory Also sweeper and sewint machine repairs and parts.

"Ed" Cheney, works supervisor. For quick service psm m. or pnone. jury-Howe ware house. Just off.

Michigan. In SO block. Phone 21351? WASHER SERVICE And nairtai avtai ttura asvmt7. aumonzm aeaier. wore liars' We icnirc all makes.

Cast Side mayiaa. 1 1 1 Mir-rtiarsn PriAn. aim. WASHlR Arid wriner twice. While ra pari, trompt Basel, mi.

E. Grand Jrbver. 5all 2302ft, WTTR PUMP Repair aerrtcv. Call Van Ti-g-TWe1-. y. 919 w'eiana. WELD 1IG Atomic-hydro en arc acetv- w-nv, protnpi expert aervicei weiamf tnimirri. i jui center, i-rione aZi.v f'lKIKiW CLEANING Aa storm win. aow and screen service. Reasonable prices, call James asee.

4441 1 WATCH REPAIR Work niiiclr 10. day service. Swain'a. Stag Theates ATR-w'aV BRANCH 6i Lansing. Sani- tiror sales ana complete Air-way factory bta ice Rehuild all mndeis gifts; plus pans.

intl E. Ottawa, phone 52342. TYPES -Rnofa reoaired or renlaced wots ana material guaranteea. Time payments. Free estimates.

Asbestos and brie siding Rock wool insulation. Call 4KU12. Brian's Home Engineer. 1 I I 1 1 1 I 1 i I I I I i 1 i i I I I I STARTED 'CHICKS From blood tested! culled and carefully inspected flocks, chicks that were batched in ocr own modern hatchery. Order taken for baby chicks.

Lansing Hatchery. 101 W. Saginaw. Phone 29624. fTs: PULLORUM Controlled baby co*ckerels.

New Hampshlres, Barred and White Rock, on week old. well start Phone 14F22. Bath. WHITE ROCKS And White Leghorn laying hen. 75.

Also three months old calves. Don's Service Station. 141S E. Kalamazoo, rnone aiasj. a n.i.

LARGE English Master Bred 4A. for breeding DUrnosea. 3 miles south of St. John. 5 mues salt

WANTED EGGS at POULTRY 4JA s-r-g in prtttt rtiV Wi.hs prices paid. Flory's Market. 200 r. wlcmM POULTRY WANTED By ex -service Get our nrices first. Phone 2183L LIVE POULTRY Wanted.

Every day top cash market nrleea. Call Hardv A. afoul. tons. 43743 anytime.

WANTED UVESTOfjlT Del AD AND DISABLED Horse and eat- tie. nogs. caies ana sneep. removes free. Phone Darling's, collect.

Mason-SMI. Lansing 52230. Darling and Company. Early rm-rning call receive best svrv're. Mtrehandis ARTICLES FOB SALE St K1H FILLERS.

New furnaces for re- fiiarements. wood or steel cold air reg-sters. E. H. Ward Co 1100 Cow lea St.

Fhone V.041 AIR FILTERS New furnaces: blower. repair parts, au make. Aaianuuoss SStliVJ APPLIANCES dealer. 617 Michigan, can 28181. For immediate delivery.

Electric mixers, irons and Cory coffeo makers. Beautiful new wnite twin laundry tubs. Norge oil heaters. Limited supply, hurry. Rulison Supply 214 uranq.

rnone 44423. AIR FILTERS 1.50 "Furnace a raft regulators. $38 installed. Humidifiers IlCa installed. No priority required.

Hager As Cove Lumber Co. 1125 Pennsylvaaia. Phone 215fil. BABY BATH TABLE Metal boy' toy. Airplane, hook and ladder, steam nov-el.

child's sewing cabinet, doll dresser. Real pair of toy telephones I send messages from 1 room to anotheri. child'g desk with set of books. Phone 56503. 824 N.

Logan. BABY CARRIAGE Thayer, maple van- lty and dresser, mohair platform rock-er. play pen. miscellaneous dishes. Call 55604.

BROOMS 59c Hand cultivators. $3 95: lawn seed. 4sc ID. uoiiert r-ast side) 2006 E. Michigan.

CARPET SWEEPERS Kitchen clocks. juicers, silverware set. rooms, souta CHINA-V dozenHatild gold bandT cansing s. waanington. Knman arx naTiatrn a-iini anri atir-swr-e.

Also bridtte act Staonlsiiire. LLuiiitU) sUttYCK. Glomes 1 1 srj leal Wgas.a uimius, iiivrv ncaus. Dins. NVwsnm Hdwr.

907 W. Saainaw. LCROOUET SET All sizes. $4.95 to Get yours early I Bollert's West Sid Hardware, two w. Saginaw.

nprn urvi tslTSTTJ Iks mew fall 28888. 227 Deerfield alter p. tn. DOOR CHIMES We now have several nn disnlav. ITlces start at S3.

S3. KHr nc I. fx. tawa St. duponT DUCO 1 coat magic for ruyni- hlr .,11.

and auitoanobUax. sure. wuisihuis su 96c a pint Parker's Paint and Wall Paper Store. 300 N. Washington.

rXrTRIC HEAtEItS Fireplace Taylor Mahoney Taylor Tots. Mahoney 110 At- rjott East Lan'iiuL rnone Miza. ELECTRIC MANGLE Table top. largo poller: upright piano. Hoi and player; china closet, living room table, aiugator legs: bookcase with glass doors: violet ray light.

R. C. A. radio cabinet. All fca excellent condition.

S. Cedar. ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR New West. inghouse on display, rlace order now with small deposit and get yours first. Lansing Electric Co 1204 S.

Waahington Ave. Phone 48413. ELECTRIC ROASTERS And broilers. Lansing Electric lzo a. Washington.

Phone 48413. ELECTRIC ROOM HEATERS All types witn and without fans. imslng Electric, 1204 S. Washington. Phone 48413.

Water heaters And oil water heater. Immediate delivery. Lansing Electric 1204 S. Washington. ELECTRIC PUMP Duro heavy duty, 'a n.

p. deep wen. rank ana pipes, run size hardwood camp bed. Electric spray gun. 2-inch hand pump with rod and valve.

Large car gas heater. Registered r.ngusn setter, tnorougniy trainea. 32 Winchester deer rifle. 3220 W. Mlch- igan.

a.L.r-1 rtic awtxriji avxeeueni eonas- inn with, rrio ki c. 4, 1 1 Z. r-v FANS Kitchen exhaust in stock for Ira- meaiaie aeiivery. iuismg z.iecine co. 1904 Washington Ave Phone ABali t.iirrTci...

spout and stainless steel basket stram- Ton. Phone 48413: FIREPLACE Complete with grates, dampers, hearth tile and mantel with large mirror. All in good condition. $25 complete. Also several new storm aaah and screens, different sizes cheap.

Earl Wright. 1121 E. Michigan. Phone 48836. FURNACES (AUTOMATIC Gas.

oil. coal. Stokers, air conditioning, thermostats. Furnace cleaning and repairing. 117 Smith Ave.

Phone 46129. FURNACE Used. coal: 18-incn uii uurnmg miDax on Durauis water hetlter: wallnaDer steamer. 2119 South Washington, rnone 5S88a. ttz 1 uitiACE i3ti men itouanoi wnn stoker.

A. u. Gross numbing dc Heating. 142B iMmer. rnone 287aa.

uttnAtta immeaiate installation, rur- mm eleaneri anil renal red Vauehn'a. 721 E. Michigan. Phone 21551. v.1 xvi.

ftyt.ii rtuwmaiis nil, CS.SSSTS BIOJI. LIUIl. susiuiiihsi, sugjiir 1 mended. Call Bob White. 49549.

mmat a --e sss. for all makes. Honour imici Stoker liAIUJEin to iixm: lrtticides.ftillzer Soutl unsing 1 133 S. Wasrangtoo, GARDEN PLANTER. JR.

C. WKester. Corner Abbott Rd. and M-78. East Lan- GARDEN RAKES Cultivators and hoes.

tiensteadts uick seryle Hdwe- J70T 3. Cedar. Phone 44019. G.RRlZJliMtifIt Nw- table too with 4 burners. igiji w.

saginaw. ynone 231124. RANGES For immediate delivenrf Bottle gas stoves. New. modem table toe 4-burner.

With or without oven controls. Also gas plates. Les Toote. Ilia a. wasnmgton.

pnone 4j3j1. library table, chairs. Phone 59671 or 572U1. ext. 20.

GAS STOVES In stock for Immediate. delivery. Lansing Electric 129 S. Wash- Ington. Phone 484 IX IrTXs i-vit ati gs.

enclosed burners, thermo- Priced cheap. Phone 494U9 or 22841. GOLr CLUBS-Ladv MacGreeor. steel shaft. irons.

2 woods and bag. like new. pnone 7454. GRANDMOTHERS CLOCK Genuine joim mahogany, special design, ouar n. trs a Trvn bine mashers, chicken fryer.

Bro. PMt: HEATING, STOVE Excellent condition. 11 5 Pitcher pump. 12. very good eon- dition.

can 12B1 or aizi. IHFATROI A STOVE And nortable Dhon- esriP'U fnone mivi. water 24 hours day at your finger tip I'iIlSnCmM- HOT PLATEburrier. 7 each. Lansing Flrrtric 1204 South Washington.

Phone "-WJPSM'0 o12 C. Lumber as sizes. MKnirtNF. auto. furniture glass: mirror.

ktadj. Acrno corder. "Wilcox 1940 model. Has W' SiNk el. double drain- board: shauow wen Dump: gasoline tr.vt-' iirra-g oilj- Point: toilet ye.U: PiTmp; valves.

fa*ggion's. 1420s E. Michigan. Phone 21101. w'vi, iiW ra -T.

7no E. Micnigan. pnone 4411. UMBRELLA TF.NT12xl2 two steel pnene ajwss. vXriniV ClrNFTRsZTNew.

not destmr- tive. Saves your rug, saves your time, saves your money. Let ua show you. Phone 45755. VACUUM CLEANER Used.

CaU 56471. WRINGER ROLLS For an make wash ers, also pan anc prompt, efficient repair service. Jury-Rowe Co. 's repair department at our warehouse. Just off E.

Michigan Av. in MX) block. Ftstn 21351. MAIDS No phone calls. See housekeeper.

Hotel Roosevelt. MILLINER SALESLADY With execu- live amiiiy. excellent pay. nours ana environment. Write your qualifications to Box 57.

State Journal. OFFICE GIRL Some experience neces- sary. Phone 23422. OFFICE GIRL Capable of handling all oeuiii in small omce. oooa oppor- tunny, for advancement.

Call 46341. riuu.iiLAL nunac ror small institu tion, middle aged. Board, room and IlVIl, IIIIUU1C UCU. DUUU, 1UVII1 SU1U good wages to right party. Phone 57112.

SALESLADY For jewelry department. Aiurt nave experience. Good nours and pay. Appiy j. c.

renney 5Ui tioor. rruoqen fling. SODA FOUNTAIN Girl. Full or nartl J- D' Dalry Products, 340a South Cedar. SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR 30 to 40 1 jTnia um.

ss i nc Busiuia axe. experience and dependenu to P. O. Box 569. Lan- sln' TYPIST Young lady, high school or bus- iness graduate.

Call 20741. ttosco i AITRESS Experienced. 8-hour day. 6 days a week. Presto Restaurant, 125 wasnienaw, WAITRESSES WANTED Hours 11 a.

m. I "'Jf- operate grill, hours 5 p. m. to a. m.

Apply M. J. Malted Shop. 200o N. WAITRESS For evenings.

Apply in per- sop. Polo Bar on US-lS. I WAITRESS Experienced oay work. Broadway Lunch. 116 N.

Washington, WAITRESSES-Wanted. Apply at "Mat- thews Store No. 2. 223 S. Washington Ave, I WAITRESSES Experienced, good salary, meats, unuorms.

aays a week. Apply in person, sanies ivucnen, 2322 south s-csiar. COMPETENT 'GIRL For counter work ana ouung in garments, savant Gar- mens cleaners, 1120 fc. Michigan Ave. DRUG STORE Fountain sirl.

nn Satm-. aavs. only every aro sunnav. Dnai ny East Lansing Pharmacy, 517 W. Grand ruver.

z.ast Lansing, rnone 82019. EXPERIENCED Office assistant at col lege, must oe gooa typist, accurate With figures One uihn is inlaraclwl in steady nerman.nt n.iti I a variety of office work, combined with personnel work. Write Box 23. State! giving complete information as I refer marluu na EXPERIENCED Waitresses wanted. Ap-1 'y 111 person wnitespot drill.

912 w. Saginaw EXPERIENCED. BOOKKEEPER Refer- iiiivrview py appomi-1 nvviy ot. Lawrence nosrutai 5fca" .114 housework. Phone .1 urive.

1 On sandwich board and 5 fur- Mn DutrhWfe-i; Phone 44571. GIRLS Over 18 for lunch stand, full time, gooa pay. see Miss Moore after a p. m. cramoie s.

urand River and Sasrinaw GIRL Or woman for general housework. Mondays. Tuesdays, and Friday. ours I a. m.

to m. Ill a week ana. transportation 1 way. Phone 26387. 3.H9 S.

Cedar. SANATORIUM Girl or woman needed ior iray service and kitcnen work. Ap-1 piy ingnam sanatorium, rnone 41345. WOMAN to take care of 3 small chil- aTiraairl Itrltlsit rascnnriai rslaw Klsu efrstez I I 1 I T. 1 Jill 111 1USJ1I1 SUlie.

DSH1S- oesi iooa aogs can eat. 19U0 e. Kala- mazoo or 218E. Hodge. HORSES, CATTLE.

STOCK a rr.r.iir.K riisis 7. lis each. First house i "I.oule o- on t-avanaugn Kd. HORSES Ride at Ijnne Pine OnnH CMi. I lleer- il.1"" on -oieman Kd.

Phone 87207.,-',y.e..'aJD.1.acK ana ausiuou. i uins fine Kanrn i 1 1 i i PONY One small seven-year-old Shet- TySSSJtSSA one can ridi caVTval" covered sTok trailer. Five miles east of Haslett nn Haslett road. Clare Speerbrecker.

I WORK HORsEZSnTTna ri Okemos on North Okemos Rri umic. rnone niiiin mile niuth nr rOR SALE If you want Hereford calves, siocxers, leeoers, iiolsteui heifers, bred I no wailh nwinna g.iectrtc. auio-gilts, we -have them. Stockyards. Oil- matic.

30 and 40-gallon capacity, hot vet. stockvarria Marshall PATlTsdRREL-HbRSES and 7 year. oiu. wen matcnea. J.4UU.

OlacK Drass trimmed harness. Concord hanes. T. L. SPECIAL Saddle horse and pony saleJr Tuesday.

April 2. 12 noon. We will have 300 head or more, ioois. oalominos tucky. Tennessee and Missouri healeVsl Apply Mrs.

Saites at Ho'llister Coffee ELDERLY MAN In good physical con-Shop. dition. would like ianitor work or what can buy saddle stock here to sell marlr.t. S.wh.. c.i.

si I PI TBI. If? ADDRESS SYSTEM With WOMAN To do housework and care for baby in out-of-town home. Phone 58449. 1 WOMAN To assist with chUdren and nouseworx. rermanent nome with pri- kalh Tl.i Tln is WOMAN To stay with elderly lady, go or stay nights.

Call 50096 before 3:30 p. then call 22888. WOMAN For housework. Stay nights. can ausoa.

WOMAN To take complete charre nome ana laxe care oi babv. PjrntK I sPrnnlovstvi Nn ni-ht nr furalsh best of references. Phone after I Sunday. Must I WOMA1V To do lisht work, sood wages.) stay or go home nights. 1Z16 West Mnigan.

WOMEN Or girls wanted for general Munarj wortt. inquire sonn Laundry. 120fl N. Irrh TCCNG LADY Single, for cretiit de- pHrrmeni. sienograpny and clerical.

Public high school graduate. Willing ansing VrM 840 iriiTnvccre i nr. I years old. Very good wages and meals. Bitz ResUurant, 203 Washington.

I no trnone trails. Greensburg. Ind I retained pUcenta IVore. TVse'l Michiganr PRIVATEIAwned sanril. i w--r Hwm, i Ca'nCeoe Stables.

East Lansing. "agaoorn zast sensing, rnone Mian. I i i I seV du? Aor 1 yearl teafed "aiM i. 11 POULTRY AND SUPPLIES 8ABY CHICKS Barred and White Rock. Also starter and grower.

Wilder's Feed Store. 3320 N. East nhone S2277 BABY CHICKS Miami U. approved for Immediate delivery. 4-day-old New Hampshire Reds.

Complete line M. O. feeds. Sold exclusively by Shell Feed If.ret?n,f!'v'- Seratch feeds. SO Percent COrn.

40 wheat A l.n iuic 1 irmrn and tools. 1208-10 Turner. Phone 2847 CHICK ELECTRIC! Ru; in.iZ leeoers. fountains and straw. 50c bale.

I ssvts. asangnaxs. 14. ImUCII..

Lansing State Journal from Lansing, Michigan (2024)
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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Author information

Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.